how to make a patchwork quilt by hand for beginners

Are you looking for a creative, unique handmade patchwork quilt project to try? Do you want to create a one-of-a-kind quilt that will keep you warm on cold winter nights? If so, then this blog post is for you! We’ll show you how to make a patchwork quilt by hand with easy steps and tips. So grab your fabric, and let’s get started!


Welcome to the exciting world of quilting! In this blog post, we will discuss how to make a patchwork quilt by hand for beginners. From gathering materials and cutting fabric pieces to learning the basics of sewing patchwork and pressing seams open, this guide will provide you with all the necessary information to get started. Whether you’re a seasoned quilter or just starting out, you’ll find all the tips and tricks you need here. So grab your supplies and get ready to explore the wonderful world of quilting!

Gather Materials

Gathering the necessary materials before you begin is an important first step when making a patchwork quilt by hand. You will need fabric pieces in a variety of colors and patterns, scissors, pins, an 18-inch length of hand-quilting thread, a quilting needle and a quilt batting. After gathering these items, you can begin planning how to cut and sew the pieces together to create your quilt.

Cut Fabric Pieces

Cutting the fabric pieces correctly is essential to making a patchwork quilt. Carefully measure and cut each piece of fabric to the desired size, making sure to keep a straight line while doing so. It is best to use a rotary cutter and self-healing cutting mat to make sure your cuts are precise. If you are new to quilting, using templates for the more intricate shapes may be helpful. Additionally, be sure to leave enough fabric around each piece for a seam allowance so that your pieces fit together perfectly. With the right tools and patience, you can easily achieve precise and even cuts for all your patchwork pieces.

Plan How You Will Quilt

Once you have gathered the necessary materials and cut all your fabric pieces, it’s time to plan how you will quilt. Consider the type of quilting pattern you want, the colors and fabrics that will be used, and any decorative elements you want to add. You may want to use a template or pattern that you can follow, or make up one of your own. Once you have a plan in place, it will be much easier to begin quilting.

Learn the Basics of Sewing Patchwork

Learning the basics of sewing patchwork by hand is a great way to create beautiful quilts quickly and easily. With two pieces of fabric right sides together (RST) and pinned in place, you can sew patchwork pieces together with a quarter-inch seam allowance. Before you start sewing, press the seams open with an iron or finger press them. A great place to start with hand quilting for beginners is by using a simple block like patchwork squares or half-square triangles. Using a tutorial like the Lone Star Baby Quilt Tutorial will help you master this technique in no time!

Sew Patchwork Pieces Together

Sewing patchwork pieces together is the next step to making a beautiful patchwork quilt. To do this, you will need to hold the fabric pieces in both hands with your thumbs on top. Then gently rock the fabric up and down to pick up three or four stitches on your needle. You can sew the pieces together either by hand or machine, however make sure that you use a quarter-inch seam allowance. Once you have sewn all the pieces together, press the seams open to ensure they lay flat and look neat.

Press the Seams Open

When sewing patchwork pieces together, it’s important to press the seams open. This ensures that the edges of each piece will lie flat, making it easier to quilt. Most quilters press seams open when making the backing as this helps to prevent doubling up of seam allowances. Using a hot iron, press all seam allowances open, stretching the seam open with the side of the iron for a more secure stitch. This is particularly important when using the quilt-as-you-go method for larger quilts. There is no need to backstitch as each seam will be crossed by another at some point in the quilt.

Lay Out Blocks in Rows

Once the patchwork pieces have been sewn together, it’s time to start laying out the blocks in rows. This is the step where you can really start to see your quilt come together! The first thing to do is decide which pattern you want to use. There are many options such as a diagonal, a grid, or a random pattern. Once you have chosen your pattern, it’s time to lay out the blocks and setting squares. If you are including sashing between blocks, lay out the sashing pieces now. Then, start on the top row on the left hand side and sew each of the squares together one at a time working from left to right. Finally, press the seams open and move onto sewing the rows together.

Sew Rows Together

Once the pieces of fabric have been cut and laid out according to the desired pattern, it’s time to sew them together. To do this, begin by folding the right-hand row of squares down, ensuring that the right sides are together. Sew along the fold using a ¼ inch seam allowance. Finger press the seam open and repeat this process with all the other rows. It is important to alternate directions for even and odd rows to ensure that the seams will lie flat when pressed. Once all the rows have been sewn together, you will have completed your patchwork quilt top!

Hand or Machine Quilt the Top Layer

Once the top layer of the quilt is assembled, it is time to quilt it. There are two options for quilting: hand and machine. Hand quilting is a traditional and beautiful way to finish the quilt, but it can be time consuming and require some practice. Machine quilting might be a better option for a beginner as it is faster and easier to get the hang of. If you decide to go with machine quilting, use a walking foot on your machine to help keep your pieces and layers in place while you stitch. This will help ensure even stitching and reduce puckers or ripples in the finished product.


In this blog, we have discussed the basics of how to make a patchwork quilt by hand for beginners. We covered gathering materials, cutting fabric pieces, planning the quilt, learning the basics of sewing patchwork, sewing the pieces together, pressing seams open, laying out blocks in rows, and sewing rows together. Once all these steps are complete it is time to finish the quilt with either hand or machine quilting. Hand quilting gives a unique and special touch to your quilt while machine quilting is faster and easier. After you have chosen your method of quilting it is time to enjoy your handcrafted work of art!

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